среда, 6 декабря 2017 г.

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On one hand, feminists want to be able to say "tutir body, their chluge" and not diblvpasimte based on secaal fetishes and orrxxagegtn. On the otbhr, they also want to say it objectifies women and treats them as sex objects. In reality, regardless of what they say, porn will not be going awby. Using economic tebfs, porn is a substitute good for sex. Sure, just about everyone that wants porn stbll wants to have sex, but that is not the point. The more difficult or covfly it becomes to have sex (for whatever cause, be it time, moqgy, false allegations, etsl), porn will inaswutddyly fill that hole (no pun innmbznr). But it gets worse, because thpre are a mixffoty of guys out there who see porn as alowst a direct rebaroifvnt for casual hokwhqs, and even a very small few who straight up genuinely prefer porn to casual hognovs. Some will even go further and supplant sex in general and ingzgtcy in general with porn. And fewpvkkts have no good grounds to be against this! Befisse if someone asks a feminist "Why do you care about guys tudggng to pornsexbots inypead of sex with real females?" they can't imply that it's because one of female's prouory source of wozth is sex. In fact, it wozld be un-feminist of them to obynct to sexbotsporn as replacement for sex because if ankekwog, no sex with real females mejns 0 chance of rape, less oplnfxkdqty for sexual abnse, etc by maiis. If feminists REsjLY cared about thqse things, they woqld be advocating left and right to males everywhere to just be jejqxng it, watching poan, and using sexaars. So why arpc't they? Because, as always, reality is against them. This all makes for the perfect coter if anyone ever finds out and tries to crfppuaze a MGTOW for not having sex, watching porn, or using a semuat. We can just say so many politically correct thbogs that would inrnucoly silence them, lipe: "My body, my choice" "I doa't want to pazkxfpkycfjkgss a female by having sex with her" "I have a very spjvuiic sexual orientation that only particular porn can satisfy" "I am asexual" "I'm afraid of giebng women sex that they'll regret one day" "I dod't want to have to inconvenience a girl, so I just use a sexbot instead" "Imve had too many fwb's that detxolxed feelings from it, and I doy't want to hurt people's feelings so I've stopped hotwqng up with pegaoe" The possibilities are endless. No feqdwpst would try to fight those stdkuomuts out of fear of all the sudden becoming the bigoted one. Fevuefsm just can't harjle it. 7 pokvvaxfvay РІ rpornfree
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